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  • Since the server "upgrade" there have been a lot more posts by "Guest". The old software did not allow posts unless we were logged in, but the new software has allowed posts to be made without a login. This has lead to a lot of spam and members posting as Guest. Until that gets worked out, just check you are logged in before replying or starting a thread.

    NACRA 5.7 (1984 Sail 181)
  • Not sure if the problem has been resolved, but I just noticed that the couple of posts that I had inadvertently made as a “Guest” now seem to be deleted.

  • I also think something changed during that process because you couldn't post anything in a forum previously without being a member if I remember correctly. I just had to request a new password and get myself logged back in.

    Edited by saltlife77 on Jan 10, 2024 - 10:55 AM.

    2001 NACRA 450 SOLD
    2000 NACRA 500 TOTAL LOSS
    2004 NACRA INTER 20 SOLD
    2016 NACRA 500 Sport
    DeLand, FL
  • Thanks for the reminder, I wasn't logged in....

    Tim Gibson
    1982 Hobie 16 Carumba Sails
    1980 Hobie 14 Cat Fever Sails (SOLD)
    Memphis, TN
  • So TheBeachCats has become a spam honeypot. Every time I come here now there are multiple spam posts by Guests that have not been eliminated. After years of diminishing activity, this will be what kills the forum. !@DaemonLinkous, either fix the bug that lets unregistered guests post or bring on some more moderators, or this place has no future. My complaint is not without an offer...I will be first in line if you want Moderator assistance.

    Edited by tominpa on Mar 25, 2024 - 08:59 PM.

    NACRA 5.7 (1984 Sail 181)

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