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Protection belt  Bottom

  • Hi,

    Any one knows where to buy those protection belt?


    Thank you,


  • They are more commonly known as chocks. I can sell you a pair.

    Greenville SC

    Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
  • u can make a set out of foam water noodles and a piece of line

    tie 3 - 2' sections together into a bundle then run line through the middle (long enough to wrap around your hulls and tie together)
  • Google "WATER Ski Belt"

    Edited by presto13031 on Oct 31, 2013 - 02:52 PM.

    Houston TX
    1986 Hobie 18 Sail# 13031
  • presto13031Google "Ski Belt"

    At first glance, being from up north, what came to my mind was Alpine ski belt and was wondering but after the results appearred in google, I saw the water ski belt and understood. icon_smile

    Good idea.

    Thank you,


  • Fixed it

    Houston TX
    1986 Hobie 18 Sail# 13031
  • I'd go with the pool noodle solution, especially if you buy the $10 noodles. They are closed cell, stand up to the sun, & generally way tougher than the $1 Wally world models.
    I don't think you will find those ski belts for sale in Canada, they have not been legally classed as a PFD for 20 years.(They float you butt up, head down) By the time you pay shipping from the US, it's a pricey solution to your problem.

    Hobie 18 Magnum
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  • not sure if this is still true but i recall as a kid in camp and we used those ski belts

    if they were left wet or in the sun too long they would "melt" a little and stain (or even adhere a little) the surface of whatever they were on (on a sunfish of bench or even in the gear shed)

    This may have been due to water being trapped in the foam or other reasons (this was a long time ago)

    all i know is i can recall seeing them "bleed" and stain other items and i would be really bummed if they did that to my catamaran

    Edited by MN3 on Nov 01, 2013 - 07:39 AM.
  • I have had good luck with foam pipe insulation.. find some that has the sticky in the slit down the length of the pipe.. Grab a bungi with hooks on both ends.. Not a fancy looking but has worked well for me. I am a cheep skate..

    Hal Liske
    Livermore CA
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