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Milt Ingram Race Ventura California eid# 1086

July 22, 2023
All day event


39th Annual

Milt Ingram Trophy Race

Saturday, July 22nd 2023


Pierpont Bay Yacht Club invites you to join us for the legendary Milt Ingram Trophy Race. Big boats, small boats, one hull or more - come one, come all! "Milt's Race" is also part of the Ventura Sailing Club's catamaran series.

Entry is online only using Regatta Network. The link is

https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/26405_ No walk-ins will be accepted. Class breaks will be made based on entries received by 5:00 pm Friday, July 21st and will be published online by 0800 on race day. There wil be no Skippers Meeting. Sailing Instructions will be available online only.

The first start is at 1100 hours. Trophies will be presented after the Tri-point Ocean Race on Sunday, August 12".

Ventura Isle Marina is again offering up to 7 nights free dockage to participants whose boats are docked outside Santa Barbara, Ventura or Channel Islands harbors, up to 3 nights for Santa Barbara boats, and one night for local boats, based on space availability.

ENTRY: The race is open to all racers, whether they are members of a yacht club or not. Help us plan this spectacular event by entering early.

COURSE: Starting near the Mandalay buoy, the race proceeds to Platform Grace and then Anacapa Island, leaving them to port. It then leaves the Ventura Harbor Whistle Buoy to starboard, and finishes in the Ventura Harbor entrance channel. The handicap distance is 42 nm.

RULES: The race will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing. All boats other than beach cats, shall carry the safety equipment specified by the U.S. Safety Equipment Requirements for Nearshore Races. In addition, lifeline requirements Coastal 2.4.1 - 2.4.8 apply with the exception that coated lifelines are permitted. Rules requiring club and/or handicapping organization membership do not apply except as described under "THE PERPETUAL TROPHIES" below.

CLASSES: PHRF-handicapped spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes will be established with class breaks determined by entries. Random leg course ratings with Area adjustments will be used. PHRF membership is not required except as described under "THE PERPETUAL TROPHIES" below. The Race Committee will assign boats without valid ratings a temporary one for this race only. An ORCA-type multihull class will be formed. Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System beach catamaran classes will be established. There is also an Endurance award for the boat that finishes last.

PERPETUAL TROPHIES: A minimum of 2 entries is required for perpetual trophies to be awarded.

The MILT INGRAM Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the monohull with the lowest corrected time. Eligibility is restricted to members of SCYA or US Sailing affiliated yacht clubs with valid PHRF ratings.

The CLASSIC YACHT Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the classic vacht with the lowest corrected time.

The WOMAN SKIPPER Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the woman skipper with the lowest corrected time.

The FIRST TO FINISH Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the monohull that is first to finish.

The CRAIG ASHBY MEMORIAL Trophy will be awarded to the ORCA-type multihull that is first to finish.

The MATES' Trophy will be awarded to the best scoring double-handed entry, all classes included. The same eligibility restrictions apply as for the Milt Ingram Trophy. Two entries are not required.

The A CLASS Trophy will be awarded to the Spinnaker A class boat with the lowest corrected time.

The TOM SPURGIN MEMORIAL Trophy will be awarded to the non-spinnaker boat with the lowest corrected time.

The CATAMARAN CLASS Trophy will be awarded to the best placing beach catamaran.

For further information contact Race Chair Richard Countess, 805-444-0223, countess@aol.com. Visit PBYC on the web at www.pbyc.org.


Milt Ingram Race
Ventura Marina
Ventura Ca, 93001

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  • Regattas

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This event does not recur.

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This is a public event.

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