Hobie 14 Wings 3
Inspect a Hobie 14 ( and for that matter a 16 ) and you will find a part of the cross beams just immediatly inboard of the corner castings that can accept a \" U \" strap from underneath past an open piece of tramploine that can be bolted to the inboard end of a wing frame that will allow it to rotate up and over the centre of the trampoline for trailering home . all that is left is to secure the frame downwards once it is folded out in the sailing position . This is achieved by strapping the rising wing beam down to the pilon bolt ( or ring attached to ) with some light lanyard . I have a file of working drawings of the whole wing assembly that is available to anyone who wants it . All I ask for this information is to be given written credit on the wing that the idea came from Barry Sanders in Western Australia .
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