What are your favorite rope knots?

I was never a Boy Scout so I never learned to tie a decent knot. Now that I'm sailing my H16 it seems that I need to do a little remedial learning. Therefore my question to you.

What are your favorite knots and when do you use them?

Your responses will help me to learn what I need to learn!

My favorite is the garlic knot (garlic bread) but for sailing

You can probably sail with only knowing 3 knots
The bowline knot (a MUST for tying your sails to halyards and such)
figure eight knot (also called a stopper)
reef (square) knot (to secure a line to itself, and to tie off lines)

other VERY useful are:
rolling hitch (for tying down the boat to trailer, and other applications)
and The Sheet Bend (or double or triple Sheet Bend) for tying the mainsheet to the travler sheet





edited by: andrewscott, Sep 08, 2008 - 03:44 PM
Damn nice site! Thanks for the link. I've worked with ropes and line for years and never seen anything like this site.