infant sunglasses 851

Do anybody here knows about branded sunglasses which are low price and can work out for years atleast how about these infant sunglasses 851

Edited by jackchris on Jun 02, 2020 - 10:01 AM.
This looks to me like spam that should be deleted.

Southern Alberta and all over the damn place.
1981 SuperCat 20 "Roberts' Rockets"
1983 SuperCat 19
TriFoiler #23 "Unfair Advantage"
Mystere 17
Unicorn A-Class (probably made by Trowbridge) that I couldn't resist rescuing at auction.
H18 & Zygal (classic) Tornado - stolen and destroyed - very unpleasant story.
Invitation and Mistral and Sunflower and windsurfers w/ Harken hydrofoils and god knows what else...