Nacra Inter 20 Boom Vang Question

My Inter 20 has a boom vang rigged to my mast. See the yellow line in the picture.

Thinking about doing away with it and possible using the boom cleats for rigging a quick release on the mast rotator. Any opinion or suggestion?

Nacra Inter 20
Okemos Michigan
The clam cleats on the base of the mast that you have the line routed through look like they're intended to be used for setting the "gross" control line on a cascading downhaul system.

The cleats on the side of the boom may have originally been intended so that you can set up a system to "induce" mast rotation (force the mast to rotate 90 degrees downwind). That type of rotation inducer can be very sketchy though, because if you forget to release it in a jibe, you can break your mast.

Definitely not a vang though, and I certainly wouldn't run it the way you have it rigged. Just take the line off.

nice looking mast paint job!
nice looking cat! very clean

those cleats on the mast cant be for the boom as rigged -
while fully cleated/snuggly: every tack, gybe and wave you are "wearing" your gear more than needed

when tacking or bouncing: you are side-loading the cleats and if they they get tighter i.e. they are set for upwind and you gybe (or even a wave) you risk the cleats being ripped off the mast and/or risking denting your mast where the line runs on the front side

they were never intended for this: they are angled up!

as per the limiter:
unless there is great benefit to having your rotator reeved under your boat, and out at other spots .... i would (and do) just cleat it on the boom -

Edited by MN3 on Aug 21, 2018 - 05:54 PM.
The other posters pretty much nailed it.

Cleats on the mast are for cascading down-haul.

Rotation inducer line should be 2 lines and go behind diamond wire turnbuckle and have a stopper knot.

I only use it in the lightest of air.

Best to just take it off.

Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
The cleats on the boom are for the rotation inducer controls as others have mentioned. They are a by product of the boats original design intent, to race the Worrell 1000. When distance racing their are days with chop and light to medium air that benefit from locking the mast in position, especially when on one board for extended periods of time.

Beachcats don't have vangs, they rely on mainsheet tension for leech control.
samc99usWhen distance racing their are days with chop and light to medium air that benefit from locking the mast in position, especially when on one board for extended periods of time.

Squeeeeeek BANG, Squeeeeeeeeeeek BANG, Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek B A N G icon_lol

It is akin to the Chinese Water Torture...

John Schwartz
Ventura, CA
Thanks those where you wake up in the middle of the night thinking..."that ain't right!". Luckily never really tightened it up.

Nacra Inter 20
Okemos Michigan
always learning... thanks for the post... I also did not understand what the cleats were for...