Easter lake in Seaside Beach Fl

My in laws have rented a house for Christmas n Eastern Lake, and I am wondering about bringing my A-Cat for the week. Does anyone know of a nearby place to store the boat at night with the mast up? Alternatively how difficult would it be to drag it up the outflow with Cat Trax and paddle it to the house?
Eastern lake is in Seagrove beach, but its not far from Seaside. My family owns a house there. I have had no luck in finding anyplace to keep a boat in the area. Property value is so high, that people get pissy about letting anyone use their property for anything. Can you not keep it at your rental?

The outflow opens and closes often, either way it would not be difficult to get your boat from the lake to the gulf.

Greenville SC

Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans
I could probably keep it on the beach in front of the house, but only if I can drag the boat from the lake to the Gulf. Having never been there I wasn't sure if that was a reasonable option or not. But it sounds like this may work fine.

It just means leaving my cat trax on the beach while out sailing.
The lake may or may not be open to the gulf. If the lake is not open, that can be changed quickly by digging a small trench to allow some water to pass. Best done at night icon_biggrin

I wouldn't worry too much about the wheels, The beaches are pretty desolate that time of year as the area is full of snowbirds.

Greenville SC

Offering sails and other go fast parts for A-class catamarans