Nacra 5.8 Rudders

Are the Nacra 5.8 rudders and (rudder casings/tillers) the same on any other Nacras? Thx
I'll try to take a look on Friday. I have a 5.8, 5.7 and a couple 5.2's. If I recall, the 5.8 had a shorter rudder blade than what my 5.7 has. I believe all the castings are the same, but the 5.8 had a bend in the tiller arm whereas the other boats didn't.

Are you looking to replace?

Windrider Rave Hydrofoil
Nacra 5.2 Restored and heavily modified
Nacra 5.2 (one under restoration)
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.8NA