Nacra 5. 5 SL

Restoring a 95 model here in Sri Lanka, (the only Nacra on the island) Got a new spinnaker and suffer came with lines. The continuous Hail yard seems far too short, Snuffer's from "Barefoot". Anybody's got a aprox. length on the hail yard and or a link to how to rig the hail yard and tack line in a practical way?
my halyard / retrieval line is about 75' (i sail a mystere 5.5)

my tack line is a 1:1 line through the pole, with a small inline block on the end ... and a cleat on the front beam.
my halyard/retrieval is 78 feet
my tack line is 10 feet

my system has the halyard pulling the tack line out so one line controls the halyard/retrieval and tack.

Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi