Hobie 16 gooseneck

First I wanted to thank everyone for all the info on these forums. I finally put my boat in the water after about 3 yrs lol. Anyways the sail went great other than one problem I had. The gooseneck kept falling down out of the mast. I'm not sure I had it hooked up right. All I did was slide it up through the little slot on the mast. Is it supposed to go all the way past the slot on the mast? I wish I got a pic to help explain this

Should go down in the mast track, not up.

Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
Ahhh. Makes total since. Thanks a lot!!

You have heard of the term "downhaul" while reading the forums, the H16 gooseneck has a line tied off to the ring on the bottom, slide gooseneck into sailtrack, run line down to cleat, back up through ring, back down to cleat and crank on the downhaul, this will pull the tack of the mainsail tight, cleat line off.

Rule of thumb, light wind - loose downhaul, heavy wind - tight downhaul.
Yea I have the downhaul line. That's actually what kept pulling the gooseneck out. I was tightening it and would pull it out. Should work out good next time as I will slide the gooseneck down the track instead of up then tighten the downhaul. Good to know too for the light and heavy wind! Thanks