Fiberglass Repair - Daggerboard

Ok, these shots are off my banshee dingee, not a catamaran, but i thought i would see what you guys think repair wise, there is a little chunk where the daggerboard slot is, what do you think

Edited by klppurdy on May 19, 2012 - 05:57 PM.

Kenneth Purdy
Hobie 16
Nacra 5.2 (2)
First Coast, Florida
Marine bondo type filler and a few coats of gel coat.
I would just fill that in with marine tex and sand it out. will be tough and look pretty decent.
Friend has a Banshee. Blast to sail for a dinghy.

Pete Knapp
Schodack landing,NY
Goodall Viper,AHPC Viper,Nacra I20
i have not had the opportunity to sail it yet, looks fun.

Kenneth Purdy
Hobie 16
Nacra 5.2 (2)
First Coast, Florida
Dagger board slots need to be strong. It looks like there is minimal damage, top photo I would use a dremel like tool & remove the cracked gelcote, & damaged glass.
Use a Popsicle stick to cram the ground out slot with glass matting, then pour a bit of resin in & work it into the matt with the stick. Let it set up & sand to fair it out.
Bottom of hull looks purely cosmetic, 1 layer of matt with just enough resin to wet it, or a bit of marine tex. Smooth it with a gloved finger prior to kicking off, then sand an hour later.
The entire job will be done in an hour, unless you decide to apply gelcote too.

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Dart 15
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It looks like there have been some attempts to patch this before with some crappy methods. I would cut all the BS out plus any glass that is white. A 4 1/2 in Angle Grinder with a 60grit disc will do it fast and a fan blowing it away from you will keep you from getting all itchy. All the glass material should be an amber color to show it was well saturated. Get some Polyester Resin w/hardner, 3- 4oz mat and some 1in chip brushes. Cut strips wider than the area you cut out then pull the glass apart so it does not have a crisp edge. Mix the resin a bit hot - a good squirt vs a few drops. Dont tarry in putting this on the boat wet out the strips until the repair is proud (sticks up) Once it kicks in a hour or so you can grind it fair and finish w gel-coat.

I use waxed paper dixie cups for the resin - pour up three or four half full and add the hardner but dont stir until ready to use

Lee - On the BIG Lake in MS

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