spinnaker retrtieval lines

just setting up snuffer spinnaker for 18HT, what method of line set up allows proper retrieval of entire chute, using midpole, nice factory 'mouth', or toilet bowl as I believe some refer to it, 3 patch spin, initial method of simply running one line through lower 2 loops to top patch does not place entire chute in bag
Top patch needs to be higher and hoop needs to be further toward the front.

Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
If you are using a seperate tack line, make sure it is released completely or it will not allow the spin to go all the way in.
have tack line, patches were on the 18HT when purchased it from someone who never used chute, pole set up same as original owner who can not track down
The only other thing I can think of is going all the way to the head with your snuffer line. Never tried it, but have thought about it because I have the same problem with my non-race spin.

Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
Quote 3 patch spin, initial method of simply running one line through lower 2 loops to top patch does not place entire chute in bag

Is your a "stock" spin for that boat?

have you tried using just the top 2?

i wouldn't go remounting your ring until you have tried all other options but if its not all stock gear it may need to be adjusted..

my tornado spin can be a pain to get to snuff perfectly
yes the chute for the 18HT was factory Italian with boat originally,
if you can't figure it out, you may want to ask on catsailor.com as many of those guys have had an 18HT
if you can't figure it out, you may want to ask on catsailor.com as many of those guys have had an 18HT
If you have your snuffing line tied directly to your top patch, then it is simple mechanics:
1) move the spin back in the sock (longer sock, or extend the retaining strap at the rear)
2) move the hoop forward
