Painting a rudder

What kind of paint, any suggestions?

Nacra 5.2
I just finished both rudders and daggerboards on my Tiger...I used black gelcoat, more durable than any paint, a bit more work cause you have to wet sand... then then compound to a smooth finish, but now I won't have to worry so much about scrathing the finish.


Kenny Boudreaux
2010 C2 F18 USA 323
Goodall Design "Southern Area Rep"
Owner of
AwlGrip or some other two-part linear polyurethane
Or go cheap. I used white laquer in a rattle can from home depot on my dart 18 rudders. Prepped with 320 wet/dry then did 4 light coats and some finish wet sanding & polishing. They came out awesome and still looked great after 3 years of heavy sailing.