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Monterey Bay - Santa Cruz, CA USA

Wind Conditions: Excellent
Water Conditions: Excellent
Launch facilities: Excellent
Beach conditions: Excellent
Traffic conditions: Fair
Safety: Fair

Charges: $12 to launch/park, but arrive early for spaces. $42/mo. beach storage.

About the place:
A very challenging, exciting place to sail. Great friendly people in the local Fleet 240. Directions on other posts. A word on traffic and safety: Summer is here and the valley powerboat kooks have arrived. Be careful tacking out the harbor channel, because none of the fish guys want to give you right of way. You will be sailing out upwind, and may be against the tide (check it!) Also, take a walk out to the beach before launching and check the surf conditions. Wait a while to see how big the set waves are. It is a challenging place to beach your cat in a big swell. The landing area adjacent to the jetty is coned off and signed, but the lifeguards don't enforce it. As you approach the beach, yell loudly to the crowds of waders who all ignore the signs. They won't get out of your way if you don't. Come sail here, it's worth it!

Submitted by: Andy <>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Tuesday, June 22, 1999 at 21:09:10 (PDT)

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