Catamaran Sailing
Catamaran Pictures

Vol 3 - Issue 4 December 1998

Bill Mattson

Well I have finally ported the site over to our new location. Unfortunately, not before we suffered our first data loss due to a lack of disk space in the old location. The classifieds section is still down as of this writing. Hopefully, my ISP will have the file restored in the next day or so, as this is our most popular page.

Gary Willcox is back this month with an illustrated guide to repairing hull delamination. This one is of Gary's usual quality, giving relevant web sites, tools, costs, and pictures to take out all the guesswork. This is a must read if you plan to take this job on.

As catsailors, we all love the wild sailing speed and fun that only a catamaran can provide. But anyone who truly loves sailing can acknowledge a passion for the other side. Just being out on the water, experiencing a brief serenity away from the stresses in your life. Chris VanEpps is one of these sailors. This month, he tells us the story of discovering that his brother shares the same passion.

One amazing aspect of cyberspace is that it has brought together people who would otherwise never have communicated with one another. On The Wire is published worldwide, yet has never touched a printing press. The Hobie Mailing List hosts about 400 sailors from all over the world who send emails on a daily basis. Now, chat rooms are beginning to spring up, offering live communication as fast as you can type. Check out my article on mIRC, a chat client that allows you to access John Dwyer's "catamaranchat". As more people are able to access this chat channel, On The Wire will be scheduling events with guest speakers.

We are entering the off season here in the 'States. If you have any articles or stories to offer, send 'em my way. I want to keep us on a monthly schedule as long as I can.

Sail fast, sail safe,

William R. Mattson, Editor

Frank Pineau

Editorial Pending

Frank Pineau, Editor


On The Wire is always looking for content, and welcomes material applicable all levels of sailing expertise.

Got information, experience, stories, or tips to share? We can take ANY format in any of the following ways:

Fax: 805-933-8267

Mail: 203 N. 6th St. Santa Paula, CA 93060

Cover Photo by Barry Moore -