Catamaran Sailing
Catamaran Pictures

On the Wire - Humor
Vol 3 - Issue 1 September 1998

Top Ten Racing Crew Faux Pas

By Bill Mattson

10. Referring to your skipper as Captain Blowhard

9. Eating Potato Chips on the Tramp

8. Or Spaghetti

7. BEFORE the race, slipping a member of the RC a twenty spot, winking, and nudging him with your elbow.

6 AFTER the race, slipping a member of the RC a twenty spot, winking, and nudging him with your elbow.

5. Before the race, getting into the face of your competitors, telling them you are going to open up your "can of whup ass".

4. On the starting line, asking other competitors if they "want a piece of this".

3. Grabbing "A" mark as you go by, and dragging it 100 ft in the interest of making the course more port favored.

2. Answering hails of "Room!" with "Room THIS!".

1. After the race, doing a chickenwalk on the beach and spiking your trap seat.

Bill Mattson

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