Catamaran Sailing
Catamaran Pictures

Vol 2 - Issue 7 May/June 1998

Bill Mattson

The season is finally here. I get to sail and race again. Also, I get great articles from all you readers who are back on your boats! (Hint, hint). Start sending me stuff, and I'll get us back on a monthly schedule.

Since we are back to racing, we decided to do a write up on our first regatta of the season. We've got 2 articles on the Cachuma Challenge in this issue. One from a competitor's perspective, and one from the chase boat. If you were there, you might find yourself in one the photos.

In yet another "how to" article, we show you how and why to rake rudders on a Hobie 16. We made mistakes along the way so you don't have to.

Mono sailor John Blake goes for a first time ride on a Hobie 17. This guy gets the full indoctrination complete with pitchpole and some stitches. I'm sure someday Frank and John will have some beers and compare scars.

William Wallick is back with another great book review. If you want to get good, boys and girls, you have to practice and read. Mr. Wallick has a good amount of reviews now the archives. Check before you buy!

On a sad note, I extend my sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Carlton Tucker. We have dedicated this issue to him as the sailing community has lost a dear friend.

Sail fast, sail safe,

William R. Mattson, Editor


On The Wire is always looking for content, and welcomes material applicable all levels of sailing expertise.

Got information, experience, stories, or tips to share? We can take ANY format in any of the following ways:

Fax: 805-933-8267

Mail: 203 N. 6th St. Santa Paula, CA 93060

Frank Pineau

Well I can't believe it's June already. Seems like just a little while ago, I was writing about people who had their boats covered with snow. (Well, here's hoping most of the snow is gone now.)

The day's are longer, the water is getting warmer, and the Summer sailing season is upon us.

In this issue, I've written an article on the very first Hobie Regatta I attended. (Notice I didn't say race.) I went to cover the event for OTW, since (1) Bill was racing, and (2) he didn't have me tied up to rocket or something. If you raced in the "Cachuma Challange", e-mail me as I might have some photos of you or your team.

We've got some other articles this month dealing with rudder rakeing, Hobie Love and more excellent book reviews. Enjoy this issue, dig your boat out, unpack the wet suit and hit the water. Hope to see you in San Diego for the Multihulls!

Frank Pineau, Editor

Editorial Integrity

The Before Picture - And the After

The only time I get to see the back of my head is in pictures like this. While handling the pictures in Picture Publisher, it is difficult to resist the temptation to "enhance them".

In this case editorial integrity stopped me. It just would not be right. Besides, I'd get tired of folks at regattas saying "Hey! You would look just like Bill Mattson if you weren't bald!"

Cover Photo by Bill Mattson