Catamaran Sailing
Catamaran Pictures

On the Wire - Feature

On The Bookshelf
By William Wallick

The Complete Book of Knots & Ropework by Eric C. Fry

If Velcro hasn’t replaced your shoelaces, if you tie your packages with string, still knot a tie occasionally, or -oh yeah- if perhaps you’re a sailor who relies heavily on making secure knots you can trust your life to, then you should check out The Complete Book of Knots & Ropework. What better time then the middle of winter, when the waters too hard to sail, to brush up on your knotsmanship, whip a few loose ends, or finally learn how to tie the monkey’s fist.

It seems that whether I’m helping a friend lash furniture in a U-Haul, tying down a motorcycle with rope, or anytime something needs to be tied, the fact that I sail means the responsibility falls on me to apply the "correct" knot. And so far I’ve been able to deliver. It’s amazing how many problems can be solved with just a small repertoire of basic knots. Fry’s book will give you the knots to cover practically any situation without overwhelming you with every knot invented since the time of the Incas.

Starting off with basic knots, like the overhand, Fry quickly builds on the basics to show you 30 common knots, many decorative knots, rope and wire splices, along with plaits, sennits and even two toggles. The knots are illustrated with numerous black and white photographs. The photos are very clear and nicely reproduced, which is not often the case with many knot books. The perspective is as if you were making the knot yourself, not as if you were watching someone else tie the knot, which is a most appreciated orientation. I never did well on those spatial orientation tests in high school. With this book you don’t need to reverse anything in your mind or practice in front of a mirror, you simply follow the illustration.

The Complete Book of Knots & Ropework is a well presented book illustrating the more common and practical knots. As an added bonus it also includes decorative knots and describes other specialized knotting skills. Highly recommended.

William Wallick

The Complete Book of Knots & Ropework is published by David & Charles (Great Britain) and distributed in the US by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Publication Date: December 10, 1996; Price: $17.95; Paperback: 176 pages w/325 B&W illustrations. Available from major bookstores everywhere.

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