Catamaran Sailing
Catamaran Pictures

On the Wire - Humor
Vol 1 - Issue 4 December 1996

A Hymn For A Burial At Sea
Abide With Me - The Hobie Sailor's Version
By Kim Miller

Being a pastor in a church, Kim Miller probably conducts more funerals than most Hobie sailors. At many funerals the well-known hymn "Abide With Me" is sung. That means Kim probably also sings this hymn more than most Hobie sailors. And, as with any familiar activity, there are times when the mind wanders. What happens when the mind wanders out over the water? This was the result of one such wandering.

Click here for a 1KB .MID file of the music. Or here for a 236KB .WAV file.

Abide With Me - The Hobie Sailor's Version

Abide with me, fast falls the leeward side
The windward rises, down tramp do I slide.
When water chills and I pay the price of thrills,
Oh, Hobie Alter, come, abide with me.

Swift to its close comes my run across the bay,
Sailing joys grow dim when a pitchpole's on its way.
Down goes the bow, can I walk upon the sea?
Help of the helpless, Oh abide with me.

I need thy presence every passing hour,
What but thy skill can tame the wild wind's power?
Who like thyself my guide and crew can be?
Through squall and windshift, Oh abide with me.

I have no dread of comptip pulling free,
Masts never fall, nor do loose tramps bother me.
I sail all day with one hull flying free.
But when I trailer with my rudders off, abide with me.

Hold thou the breeze for a perfect screaming reach,
Give me Hobie Days till I reach that heavenly beach.
Whether pointing high or running by the lee,
At all points of the compass, Oh abide with me.

Revd.Dr.Kim Miller
The Anglican Parish of Kooringal & Lake Albert
Wagga Wagga. NSW. Australia.
Burials at sea by appointment.
(Burial at sea not available in Lake Albert)

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